Casino Has the Right To Ask Removal of Hijab

From WTXF Philadelphia:

A Muslim woman says she was embarrassed when given a difficult choice at Caesars Atlantic City last weekend: take off the traditional face covering that only shows her eyes or leave the casino.

Some of the comments from BigPeace:

Why would she be embarrassed? Nobody can even see her!


Was she there for gambling? That’s against Shari’a.
Was she there for drinks? That’s against Shari’a too.
Was she there for delicious and cheap but non-halal food? Allah don’t like that either.
Was she there alone and un-accompanied by a male relative? That’s against Shari’a and she is obviously a wicked whore who must be stoned until dead, according to the religion of peace.


She was only there for one reason……… be booted out so her and C.A.I.R. can file “another lawsuit” against the laws of the land and break down our Constitution. That is what all this is about! Problem is that she has the left wing liberal moonbats helping her along because they want the country to fall also.