Here is a great example of some media bias from the AP with an example from Charles Babington, one their of their political writers. Liberal Whoppers and NewsBusters talk about this obvious position on politics that permeates the “mainstream media.” Here is NewsBusters analysis of the incident at hand:
With the loss of party-switching Sen. Arlen Specter Tuesday night, AP political writer Charles Babington was assigned the obligatory story “Obama endorsements don’t seem to help Democrats.” It’s a fairly routine analysis until Babington had an Andrea Mitchell moment when he called Scott Brown’s Senate win “excruciating.” (In 1990, Mitchell told NBC viewers after a Jesse Helms victory that “This has been a really heartbreaking race.”)
In previous months, Obama’s endorsements and campaign appearances weren’t enough to save then-Gov. Jon Corzine’s re-election bid in New Jersey, Creigh Deeds’ run for governor in Virginia or Martha Coakley’s campaign in Massachusetts to keep the late Edward M. Kennedy’s Senate seat in Democratic hands.
In fairness, Deeds was an underdog from the start, and Corzine brought many problems on himself. But the Coakley loss to Republican Scott Brown was excruciating. She once was considered a shoo-in, and her defeat restored the Republicans’ ability to block Democratic bills with Senate filibusters.
If Babington had said it was “excruciating for Democrats,” it would have been unremarkable. Instead it sounded like “it was excruciating for me.”
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Just a reminder of the thinking we are up against.