This is yet another “lie” supposedly made by the right. Remember the Lie of the Year where Mitt Romney said Jeep was gonna go to China? Proven right, and the Lie of the Year was pwned! How bout’ Sarah Palin being eviscerated for her “death panel” comments? Again, the Right (Sarah Palin and others) were proven right! How bout the REAL Lie of the Year? Obama was shown to be THE Lie of the Year… and it stuck!
Now another Republican position was proven right. This comes via Black and Conservative (Derrick Wilburn). Bravo to Media’ite for posting this!
So this is how it looks:
- Republicans warned you couldn’t keep your health care. Dems said you could keep it.
- Republicans warned illegal aliens would be insured thru Obama-care. Dems said NO WAY JOSE!
- Republicans warned about death panels. Dems said we were conspiracy nuts!
- Republicans said the Obama admin was gonna sell (and move) Jeep to China. Dems said, yeah right.
- Republicans said the Obama admin would politicise the Census. Dems said yur crazy!
- Republicans said Putin was gonna take Ukraine. Dems said the 80’s called.
- Republicans said the ACA (Obama-care) would kill jobs. Dems said it would create 400,000 immediately.