In the poll, most of the skeptical kids just didn’t commit to saying it is round. I think they may have been afraid that they would offend someone — not necessarily thinking the earth is flat.
Just how unforgivably has government-run education been letting down youth? One indication is the percentage of 18- to 24-year olds who don’t know the Earth is round:
YouGov, a British market research firm, polled 8,215 adults in the United States to find out if they ever believed in the “flat Earth” movement. Only 66 percent of young millennials answered that they “always believe the world is round.” …
Another nine percent […] of young adults said they thought the planet was spherical but had doubts about it. In a disturbing display of indecision, 16 percent of millennials said they weren’t sure what the shape of the planet was.
On the positive side, they know how to recycle, that economic freedom makes it be too hot out for the sacred man-eating polar bears, and that America is racist.
It is revealing that the younger the age group, the more likely people are to be unaware that the world is round, falling from a peak of 94% for those 55 and over. This presumably reflects the dumbing down of society by failed public schools and the ever more idiotic media.
(…more at MOONBATTERY)
My favorite rewriting of a headline is this one by LIBERTY DAILY:
Here is more from the article linked:
Only two-thirds of millennials fully believe that the Earth is round, according to a study conducted by the British firm YouGov. The rest are open to the possibility that we’re living on a flat planet. Or, they aren’t quite sure.
Under the study, a total of 8,215 American millennials and other age groups were asked a series of questions about whether they believe the world is round or flat.
Here’s how they responded:
- I have always believed the world is round: 66 percent.
- I always thought the world is round, but more recently I am skeptical/have doubts: 9 percent.
- I always thought the world is flat, but more recently I am skeptical/have doubts: 5 percent.
- I have always believed the world is flat: 4 percent.
- Other/Not sure: 16 percent.
What about other adults?
Overall, an overwhelming majority of Americans — 84 percent — believe the Earth is round, the study found. But at least 5 percent said they used to believe that, but now have doubts and question whether the Earth is actually flat……
I wonder if THESE are the kids Obama called smart and were “waiting” for? Does he have there backs?
Maybe, just maybe, instead of making NASA an outreach for Muslims, he should of funded them for space exploration?