>> REMEMBER, Mark Levin CALLED THIS in March of 2017! <<
~ALSO, see my OBAMAGATE post! ~
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper revealed in an interview last week that if not for President Obama asking for an intelligence community assessment that “set off a whole sequence of events” we would not have the Mueller investigation. Clapper, a CNN contributor, said the effects of that intel assessment “are still unfolding today.”
There needs to be just a bit of reading between the lines here but make no mistake, what James Clapper is doing here is sending out a warning flare that if he’s going down there will be a lot of others he intends to take with him—including a certain former President of the United States. (Really pay attention to how much he emphasizes Obama’s personal involvement in the process from beginning to end.)
(Here is the March 5th, 2017 time where Clapper mentioned no evidence for collusion) But remember, he called Trump a Russian assett. He may refer to a time where he said there was no evidence of collusion… but he then stepped on his own CYA toes to claim this in December 18th, 2017:
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper referred to President Donald Trump as a Russian “asset” on Monday.
Clapper was asked by CNN’s Jim Sciutto about the difference between Trump’s criticism of Russia as a rival power and his praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin after the Russian leader foiled a terror attack using CIA intelligence.
“I think that this past weekend is illustrative of what a great case officer Vladimir Putin is,” Clapper said.
“He knows how to handle an asset and that’s what he’s doing with the president,” he said.
Sciutto asked Clapper to reiterate his statement, to confirm whether he was indeed calling the American president an “asset” of Russia.
“That’s the appearance to me,” Clapper said. “He’s a [former] KGB officer. That’s what they do. They recruit assets.”
Remember, this is the Clapper that said a spy in the Trump campaign was a good thing (via RUSH LIMBAUGH, May 18, 2018). In other words… OBAMA AUTHORIZED AMERICANS TO BE SPIED ON WITH NO EVIDENCE!!
RUSH: We have the audio of you James Clapper. I wanted you to actually hear this. I mentioned it to you, but here’s James Clapper last night on CNN with Don Lemon. Clapper is the former Director of National Intelligence for Obama, and they’re talking about the story we began on this program on Monday that the FBI had a spy in the Trump campaign or an informant. Again, I know who it is, but I’m not gonna mention the name until it’s officially mentioned or released — and it doesn’t matter who.
What’s important is the FBI, the DOJ, the anti-Trump people had a spy in the Trump campaign, an informant. And here is James Clapper being asked about it and basically saying, “Yeah. It’s a good thing.” The question is from Lemon. Here’s what the president tweeted: “Andrew McCarthy says, ‘There’s probably no doubt that they had at least one confidential informant in the campaign.’ If so, this is bigger than Watergate!” Don Lemon — who’s clueless, like Fredo Cuomo is clueless. You’ll hear an example of Fredo in clueless action in moments. Don Lemon said, “That’s an extraordinary claim. Based on your experience, Mr. Clapper, what’s the likelihood that it’s true?”
CLAPPER: This is hyperbole. They may have had someone who was talking to them in the campaign, but, y’know, the focus here, and as it was with the intelligence community, is not on the campaign per se, but what the Russians were doing to try to substantiate themselves in the campaign or influence or leverage it. So if there was someone that was observing that sort of thing, well, that’s a good thing! Uh, because the Russians pose a threat to the very basis of our political system.
RUSH: Come on.
CLAPPER: And I think it’s hugely danger if someone like that is exposed because, uh, the danger to that person, not to mention the reluctance of others to be informants for the FBI. And the FBI gains a lot of valuable information from informants. So — so — so to me, this is incredible.
RUSH: So it’s perfect… Okay. I tell you what. I’ll tell you what then, Clapper. Whoever you people run in 2020, we’re gonna put a spy on! It’s gonna be a valuable thing. We’re gonna find out who it is that might be trying to rig the election for you. If the Russians tampering with campaigns is the big deal… You heard Clapper say, “It’s not Trump. No, no. This is hyperbole! We were trying to find out what the Russians were doing because the Russians were tampering.”
You people have done more to damage the integrity of the American electoral process than Vladimir Putin could in his dreams! And I’m not joking. With what these people have done for the last year and a half — basically get people thinking the election was stolen, that it was illegitimate, that the Russians didn’t want Hillary and wanted Trump and made it happen — look at what they have done to the image, the reputation of the American electoral system and process.
These people are doing the damage to it, and they continue to do it, because they can’t show any evidence whatsoever the Russians succeeded in determining the outcome of a presidential race. And we’ve got multiple sound bites from Obama himself admitting that it would be impossible to do. Our election, presidential election system is way too complex. You couldn’t know enough in advance of where you would have to start playing games to pull anything off because the Electoral College, precincts, voter turnout. You just… It couldn’t be done. If it could, the Democrats would never lose.
If they had found a way, if they had found a way to tamper with presidential elections, do you think they would ever lose one? No. But they do. They haven’t found any evidence that the Russians succeeded, and yet they continue to talk about it and validate the idea that spies are worthwhile. These people need to be held accountable for this.
They are doing this on purpose. They are attempting to impugn and cloud the very integrity of the electoral system as a means of explaining every election they lose in the future. They are doing this so that they’ll be able to rant and rave that they were never rejected by voters, that voters didn’t choose to vote against them because of their policies. The Russians must have done it. The Russians or other foreign entities must have been conspiring against these precious Democrat candidates.
And it’s gotten to the point now that this is so prevalent that you cannot watch prime time television without — the entire series of Homeland this year, the entire season was devoted to this fake premise that the Russians were easily able to infiltrate anything they wanted. The Russians were able to get rid of a duly elected president. The Russians were able to determine the outcome of an election.
The Russians cannot hold a candle to the American Democrat Party. The Russians can’t hold a candle to the ChiComs in terms of worldwide power and the ability to project it. You talk about a straw man, a straw dog. And not a shred of evidence. And now here’s Clapper. And there’s one more thing he said here that I want to double back to. “This is hyperbole,” he said.
“They may have had somebody who was talking to them in the campaign. But, you know, the focus here, as it was with the intelligence community, is not on the campaign per se, but what the Russians were going to try.” That is, pardon me, BS, Mr. Clapper. Your focus was Trump. It was Trump you were spying on. You weren’t spying on the Russians. If you were trying to find Russian influence in the campaign, you’d have been looking in Russia, you’d been looking in Putin, you’d be spying on people that would have done it.
No, you were spying on Trump. You were trying to find evidence that Trump was conspiring with the Russians, not that Russia was conspiring with Trump. That’s what you wanted to prove. And if you could, if you could have gotten close to it, I know these people would have said so. This is total obfuscation. “No, we weren’t looking at the campaign. No, no, no. We were looking at the Russians because, of course, the Russians were going to try to instantiate themselves in the campaign or influence their leverage,” blah, blah, blah, blah. These guys are trying to double back and cover their tracks, lying through their wooden teeth about what they were doing.
So we’ll just say that the next time there’s a presidential race, we’re gonna vouch for a spy being in the Democrat campaign. It’s a valuable thing. We need to have informants in there, Mr. Clapper, to see to it that foreign actors don’t instantiate themselves, as you say, into the campaign and tamper with our precious electoral process. People are starting to tick me off, and you’ve probably been there longer than I have.
…break in the transcript…
You know, here’s another thought. And this is how I know that the snake Clapper is lying. Clapper tells CNN (imitating Clapper), “Oh, no, no, no, we weren’t interested in the Trump campaign, our spy. We think it was a good thing the FBI had a spy to look for pernicious activity from the Russians, the Russians tampering with our electoral process. It was a good thing they had a spy in that campaign, not to look at the Trump campaign, but to look at the Russians.”
But of course they weren’t looking for the Russians, because I think they’ve known from the get-go the Russians didn’t affect the outcome of this election. Remember, if Hillary had won, you’d a never heard about the Russians, other than whatever steps they took to destroy Trump, which I think they would have done. Even if Trump had lost, I think they would have made moves to further destroy this guy, to send the message to any other outsiders, “Don’t even think about trying this. Look what we’ll do to you.”
And if I’m right, they’re gonna continue their destruction plan of Trump after he leaves the White House, whenever that is.
(emphasis added)