The Extent of Democratic Policy of Change~Cry

Via HotAir:

Actually, this is practically a paint-by-numbers primer on the Democratic strategy on entitlement reform. Step 1: Declare that the Republican plan will kill people. Step 2: Denounce demagoguery. Step 3: Offer no plans of your own. Step 4: Feign offense when challenged on strategy. And finally, Step 5: Walk off in a huff without doing anything. The “walking off” part of Step 5 is actually optional; I call it Fleebagger Style, but Democrats should feel free to do nothing while staying in place, kind of like Harry Reid does in the Senate.

Former Clinton adviser Simon Rosenberg was kind enough to demonstrate the technique, with optional snark added for good measure. Radio host Ben Ferguson provides the post-game analysis at the end (via Greg Hengler):