False Prophet Manasseh exemplifying the health/wealth gospel 101

This guy watched lots of Benny Hinn (and was coached by Hinn) and mimics his mannerisms. And what are those mannerisms you may ask? Charlatan, that’s what mannerisms.


I am sure the “Word of the Lord” involves license plates and white pants (that’s not hard information to acquire [tongue-in-cheek]). An old Francis Schaeffer saying comes to mind, “You god is too small”:

Ed Young Wants Your Checking Account Number

Museum of Idolatry h/t:

Money must be VERY tight at Fellowship Church. After all, the monthly payments on that private jet are VERY expensive. There’s only one way that folks at Fellowship Church can save Ed Young, Jr’s jet…Automatic Withdrawal.

Please act now or Ed Young, Jr. will be forced to sell the private jet, forced to sell his mansion, his condo in Miami, the fishing boat, the $15,000 espresso maker and will have no choice but to move to a bland and boring middle-class suburb and worst of all fly coach to all the conferences that he speaks at. Don’t let this ministry travesty happen to Ed Young, Jr. He can’t be effective for God’s Kingdom unless he is rewarded with the very best and most expensive toys that this life has to offer.