Sen. Rob Portman (Ohio) Reveals His Reason Behind His Change of Heart on Same-Sex Marriage #SSM

From video description:

Dennis Prager plays and analysis — as he only can — audio of Senator Rob Portman’s interview giving his reasons why he now supports Same-Sex Marriage. (Posted by: Besides the usual use of non-sequiturs in arguing for the position, we see the usual mixing of categories that lead many conservatives into not standing firm on this issue. While I disagree with Prager on a minor issue (the immutability of sexual behavior), as conservatives, we can point out that even if a gay man’s sexual orientation is determined by non-environmental reasons, changing the definition of marriage is still a no go. Very powerful.

I have many resources available for those seeking to know how to knowledgeably respond to this cultural movement that is a first in human history:

RPT`s Cumulative Case Why Same-Sex Relationships Should Not Be Normalized

A Cordial `Clambake` on the Mutability/Immutability of Homosexuality (round 1) ~ Conversation Series

A Cordial `Clambake` on Biblical Dietary Laws and Homosexuality (round 2) ~ Conversation Series

All Religious and Moral Thinkers in History Rejected/Never Endorsed Same-Sex Marriages (Challenged with Buddhism)

Marriage, is it Hetero? (Q&A Included) ~ Two Imports from my Old Blog

Dennis Prager Interviews Ryan T. Anderson, Co-Author of “What Is Marriage?”

Dennis Prager Critiques Joe biden’s Comments about Same-Sex Marriage (May 2012)

Just a small sampling of homosexuals who stand against Gay-Marriage:

Chapter from My Book, “Roman Epicureanism: Natural Law and Homosexuality”:

Halloween Night “Debate” Over Some Beers:

Homosexual Marriage, Parenting, and Adoption ~ First Things

Marriage, Truth and Consequences ~ Heritage

What is Marriage? – Man and Woman: A Defense ~ Heritage Video

The LEFTS support of  radical Islamic positions (there is a full chapter from Melanie Phillips book included):

All My [Old] Debates Combined:

Homosexual Quip, “I Would Never ‘Choose’ To Be Gay”:

Homosexuality, Is It Good for Society?

Responding to Christian Homosexuals:

Dennis Prager Discusses at Length (2-Parts):
  ★ [P1] [P2]

FAIL: Bill Clinton`s Endorsement Record ~ The Kiss of Death

Mega THANKS to the Free Republic and Roll Call’s  work on this, see each finger wagging point and side-smile smirk — picture — of Slick Willie from the specific campaign at the source:

  • Hillary Clinton 2008 Democrat Presidential Primary. (Lost to Democrat Barack Obama)
  • Terry McAuliffe 2009 VA Dem Gov Primary. (Lost to Democrat Craig Deeds)
  • Craig Deeds 2009 VA Dem Gov Nominee. (Lost to Republican Bob McDonell)
  • Jon Corzine 2009 NJ Dem Gov Nominee. (Lost to Republican Chris Christie)
  • Martha Coakley 2010 (Special Election) MA Dem U.S. Senate Nominee. (Lost to Republican Scott Brown)
  • Kendrick Meeks 2010 FL Dem U.S. Senate Nominee. (Lost to Republican Marco Rubio)
  • Alex Sink 2010 FL Dem Gov Nominee. (Lost to Republican Rick Scott)
  • Virg Bernero 2010 MI Dem Gov Nominee. (Lost to Republican Rick Snyder)
  • Ted Strickland 2010 OH Dem Gov Nominee. (Lost to Republican John Kasich)
  • Mike McWherter 2010 TN Dem Gov Nominee. (Lost to Republican Bill Haslam)
  • Lee Fisher 2010 OH Dem U.S. Senate Nominee. (Lost to Republican Rob Portman)
  • Jack Conway 2010 KY Dem U.S. Senate Nominee. (Lost to Republican Rand Paul)
  • Joe Sestak 2010 PA Dem U.S. Senate Nominee. (Lost to Republican Pat Toomey)
  • Dan Onorato 2010 PA Dem Gov Nominee. (Lost to Republican Tom Corbett)
  • Rory Reid 2010 NV Dem Gov Nominee. (Lost to Republican Brian Sandoval)
  • Diane Denish 2010 NM Dem Gov Nominee. (Lost to Republican Susana Martinez)
  • Tom Barrett 2012 (Recall) WI Den Gov Nominee. (Lost to Republican Scott Walker)