
Unfortunately, for those who follow the pro-life cause closely, this isn’t all that uncommon. However, this is a very egregious “doctor” who ends a life of a human no matter what stage of life (basically). You see, the fine line that shouldn’t have been drawn about when a life begins and when it doesn’t now allows for a sliding scale of moral ethics in the case of a life. How do you stop this?? Don’t start! Here is the sick story:

Jill Stanek has some photos of the room where lives were ended:

In another post of Jill’s, she documents the sickness of this man — the worse of the worse:

In my previous post I called Kermit Gosnell the “Jeffrey Dahmer of abortionists.” I described a man who allegedly slit the necks, severed the spinal cords, and suctioned the brains of hundreds of born, living, viable babies, sometimes joking along the way.

But Gosnell did more to liken himself to Dahmer. From the Grand Jury Report (WARNING: Graphic)…

[Page 251] One of the most bizarre things about this case is Dr. Gosnell’s fetal foot collection. He cut the feet off the fetuses he aborted and kept them in a row of jars. No civilized society can accept such an abomination, whether the fetuses in question were viable or not...

[Page 74] Another of the doctor’s practices that defies explanation was his habit of cutting the feet off of aborted fetuses and saving them in specimen jars in the clinic. Kareema Cross showed the Grand Jury photographs she had taken in 2008 of a closet where Gosnell stored jars containing severed feet. During the February 2010 raid, investigators were shocked to see a row of jars on a clinic shelf containing fetal parts. Ashley Baldwin testified that she saw about 30 such jars [click to enlarge]

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