LARGE Amounts of Bias & Money Used To Protect Pet Dogmatics ~ Weather Wise Guys

From the video description:

The “Weather Guys” Joe Bastardi and Joe D’Aleo discuss the professors fired and the grants allowed and not allowed [depending on your view of AGW] as well as the monies spent by our Federal Government in choosing sides (like in business) when the government should be totally removed from such lofty positions of choosing actions in the private sector and science. This war on persons who question the strict narrative of all that is Climate Change, are treated in similar fashion to those depicted in Ben Steins movie, Expelled. (Posted by: Religio-Political Talk)

For an example of how “dug in” the sciences can be [BELOW], see my MRCTV post: Nobel Prize Winner’s Treatment Prime Example of Bias in “Scientism”

Weather Wise-Guys Discuss Hillary Clinton`s Recent Tour of the Arctic Ice Shelf

Joe Bastardi, Joseph D’Aleo, Alan Lammey, and guest Harold Ambler dissect some of the preconceived ideas being assumed by politicians such as Hillary Clinton in the cuture war of global warming, e.g., climate change. (Posted by Religio-Political Talk)


Also, predictions made in a religious/eschatological sense that will/have fail[ed]:
