“An Amazingly Scandal-Free Administration” ~ David Brooks

One just has to shake one’s head at the gullibility of the left (the right is not immune to it either!) in this Rachel “Madcow” blog-post: “An Amazingly Scandal-Free Administration” (h/t to a friend):

…New York Times columnist David Brooks, a center-right pundit, highlighted a notable exception.

“I have my disagreements, say, with President Obama, but President Obama has run an amazingly scandal-free administration, not only he himself, but the people around him. He’s chosen people who have been pretty scandal-free.

“And so there are people in Washington who do set a standard of integrity, who do seem to attract people of quality.”


It’s even a point of pride among insiders. David Axelrod recently boasted, “I’m proud of the fact that basically you have had an administration in this place for six years in which there hasn’t been a major scandal. And I think that says a lot about the ethical strictures of this administration.”…

More like a complicit Press and people in high places covering up. And much to Cummings chagrin, an oversight connection to the Obama administration and the IRS scandal has already been made. Here The Blaze reports on this article before Maddow highlights it:

…Let us set aside these events:

  1. Two officers found in contempt for lying to Congress.
  2. One officer being impeached.
  3. Veterans dying on waiting lists.
  4. Solyndra.
  5. Wiretapping reporters.
  6. Unconstitutionally rewriting our immigration laws.
  7. Fast and Furious.

Four other scandals, however, undermine the character of a free nation.

Article II in the Resolution of Impeachment against President Richard Nixon reads:

  • “He has … acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavored to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service … confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law.”

That was a scandal and Nixon was forced to resign.

The Obama administration has used the IRS to harass political opponents, to audit contributors to opponent’s campaigns and to abuse private information for political purposes.

The IRS officer responsible refused to testify before Congress and was voted in contempt. A criminal referral was sent to the DOJ and it was ignored.

The Commissioner of the IRS lied under oath and articles of impeachment for the commissioner have been filed.

No scandal here. Move along.

Gay Patriot has a post that has a great insight by Theodore Dalrymple that while used for a different purpose, fits here as well:

  • “In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.” ~ Theodore Dalrymple

This understanding is enforced by Rachel “Madcow’s” own words when she aligns herself as more radical than one of the worlds most notorious propagandists/murderers in history! Mao Zedong  the total number of dead from 1959 to 1961 was between 30 million and 40 million!

Um… wow!

Here are some of the Presidents scandals for contemplation:

MRCTV notes the Top-Twenty-Five-Hits list of scandals… Obama still had 31/2 years to go (via Natural News):

  1. Going to war in Libya without first seeking congressional approval.
  2. Bypassing Congress to issue an illegal executive order granting amnesty to illegal aliens, and ignoring the court order not to implement the order. 
  3. Canceling the border fence and other border security programs.
  4. The administration’s betrayal of the primary GM investors so he could give the company to his buddies in the UAW.
  5. Offering Joe Sestak a White House job to drop out of the Senate race against Arlen Specter
  6. The IRS targeting of conservative/tea party groups
  7. Offering Andrew Romanoff a White House job to drop out of the Senate Race against Michael Bennett.
  8. Dropping an already already-won case against the New Black Panthers.
  9. Refusing to prosecute African Americans for Civil Rights violations.
  10. Ignoring a court order to ease up on restrictions against deep water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and, instead, issuing tougher restrictions.
  11. Circumventing the Senate by setting up a “shadow cabinet” of Czars.
  12. Lying about the safety of admitting refugees into the country.
  13. Obama’s Justice Department’s refusal to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), thus ignoring his constitutional responsibility to defend laws passed by Congress.
  14. Firing (and slandering) AmeriCorps inspector general Gerald Walpin after because he was investigating Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson a friend of the Obamas.
  15. Practicing crony capitalism and wasting taxpayer money with Green energy loans to Solyndra and other failing companies.
  16. A No-bid contract given to a company owned by a major Obama donor for a small pox vaccine that doesn’t work.
  17. Fast and Furious: Giving guns to Mexican drug cartels in an attempt to take away guns from law-abiding Americans. 
  18. Lying to America and the world by claiming a YouTube video caused the Benghazi attack.
  19. Receiving foreign donations for his 2012 campaign.
  20. Slashing the pensions of Delphi’s non-union employees leaving the UAW employees‘ pensions alone.
  21. Purchasing bullets to drive up costs/empty supply.
  22. Prosecuting Thomas Drake, an NSA whistle-blower who leaked unclassified information about government waste and fraud.
  23. Trading five Taliban “generals” for Bowe Bergdahl without giving Congress the 30 days notice required by law.
  24. Ignoring ISIS in 2012, because it didn’t fit his reelection theme
  25. Using the NSA to spy on congressional discussions with Israeli PM Netanyahu.

For another recap, here is Poor Richards summation:

Remember a very left leaning professor of law and a well known/trusted leftist legal theoretician said this of Obama:

You know what they say when you get the far ends of each side to agree… it’s probably true: