Savannah Guthrie (NBC) Grills Justin Bieber`s Mom On Being Involved With Anti-Abortion Film

In an interview with the mother of pop star Justin Bieber, Pattie Mallette, on Thursday’s NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie worried about Mallette’s producing role in an upcoming film: “…you wanted to talk about your involvement in a movie called Crescendo….[which] tells the story of Beethoven’s mother, who, while she was pregnant, attempted to have an abortion and even attempted suicide….it’s a movie with a decidedly pro-life/anti-abortion purpose.” (Read More @ NewsBusters)

The movie site and info is here at “Crescendo the Film” — Trailer Below:

Two Recent Examples of AR-15`s Used For Personal Protection (Uploaded Because Piers Morgan Is a Douche) @newtgingrich

From video description:

Piers Morgan challenged Newt Gingrich to provide examples of AR-15s being used in home protection. Obviously Newt has better things to do with his life (I don’t) than provide Piers with an all-encompassing history of this gun saving lives. (Posted by: Religio-Political Talk) Piers then goes on to say there haven’t been any. WhoooA buddy! I provide Piers with just two examples from the past few of weeks. I upload this only to provide evidence to the growing body of evidence that Piers Morgan is an ass! And that CNN is hurting its brand by trying to compete with MSNBC.

Washington Times: Students Ward Off Home Invaders with an AR-15:

Teenager Protects His Younger Sister and Shoots Home Intruder with AR-15: