Stacey Dooley Shows Amazement That Islamo-Fascism Is Not Politically Correct (UK) `We Just Need To Talk It out“

Commentary from Vlad Tepes:

The host is very good looking. I would recommend turning the sound off when she speaks though. Her analysis is, well, lets say no one hired her for it.

“We will never get anywhere unless we all communicate, we all speak together”

Wow! If only I had known! We could solve the problem of total Islamic intransigence, terror, supremacism just by speaking to one another. The host should be licking stamps somewhere for a charity. Her analysis is staggeringly vacuous and her knowledge of this subject is actually much worse than none. She is chockablock full of fake knowledge of Islam which is much worse than knowing nothing about it.

Stacey Dooley should study a bit more on Taqiyya