Speech Codes As Thought Control/Forcing Morality

(H-T: DatNoFact) This survey has only been up on the OXFORD TIMES site for a few hours so far, but you can see most people are sane (remember, about 7% believe Elvis is still alive):

The DAILY MAIL notes the transition from “he” or “she” to “ze”

Oxford University is encouraging students to use the gender-neutral pronoun ‘ze’ instead of ‘she and ‘he’.

The students’ union wrote in a leaflet that the move was intended to reduce the risk of transgender students being offended.

 Students hope that the use of ‘ze’ will continue into university lectures and seminars, reported The Sunday Times.

According to Oxford University’s behaviour code, using the wrong pronoun to define a transgender person is an offence.  


Cambridge University made the indication that they also wanted to move in a similar direction….

The DAILY CALLER continues…

In a pamphlet from the students’ union, students are encouraged to used “ze” instead of “she” and “he,” reports The Huffington Post UK. Some students want seminars and classes to begin using the gender neutral pronoun “ze.”

Oxford University’s code of conduct warns against repeatedly using the wrong pronouns to address a transgender person.

A gay activist praised the suggestion, calling it a “thoughtful, considerate move.”

Yeh… so thoughtful to institute speech codes and thought codes… CONTINUING

A guidebook, sent to various schools, warned teachers, school administrators, parents and students, against language that implies that only two genders exist. The terms “ladies” and “gents” were also criticized.

The book suggested various ways to describe gender and sexuality. Children who identify with the gender they were born as should be called “cisgender,” the book declared. The guidebook introduced terms such as “panromantic,” “intersex”and “genderqueer.”

“I think it is damaging to children to introduce uncertainty into their minds,” one critic said.