UPDATE!! CHARGES DROPPED!! Ricen Attack by a Democrat Hack, Liberal `Christian`

So it is apparent the bomb at Boston is leaning towards Arabs (Muslims) working out their “non-violent” jihad… new info is seemingly showing white guys… so I bet when found they have leftist leanings (like Occupy or something similar) — I may be wrong, but it is typically either/or.


The suspects were identified to The Associated Press as coming from the Russian region near Chechnya, which has been plagued by an Islamic insurgency stemming from separatist wars. (Libertarian Republican)

The ricen letter dude is confirmed to be a Democrat activist, and he can added to the list of Democratic terrorists of the 21st Century (also Gunmen bio’s [old blog] here, [new blog] here). As one travels to the left of the spectrum, “Leftism” proper replaces religious tenants with its own.

Prager notes:

….Years ago, I debated one of the most prominent rabbis in the Conservative movement of Judaism on the issue of whether morality must be God-based. The Ivy League Ph.D., yarmulke-wearing rabbi argued that God was not morally necessary. If you want to understand why so many Jews vote left while nearly all the Western world’s opposition to — and frequently hatred of — Israel emanates from the left, one explanation is this: For most American Jews, their religion is leftism, while Judaism is their ethnicity and culture. The Reform, and increasingly the Conservative, movements have, to a large extent, become political movements that use Hebrew and Jewish rituals to equate Judaism with progressive politics.

Within mainstream Protestantism and Catholicism, the same dominance of leftist values exists. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops largely holds the same social and economic views as the Democratic Party and The New York Times editorial page. It differs with the left with regard to same-sex marriage, abortion and religious freedom issues such as those pertaining to Catholic hospitals and government-funded contraception. As for mainstream Protestant denominations, they, too, are largely indistinguishable from leftism. Proof? Ask a liberal Protestant minister to name one important area in which he and leftism differ. Ask a liberal Reform or Conservative rabbi the same question. Their silence will be telling.

The truth is that the left has been far more successful in converting in converting Jews and Christians to Leftism than Christianity and Judaism have been in influencing leftists to convert to Christianity or Judaism….