GOOGLE Caught Kicking Conservatives to the Curb (UPDATED)

The video was uploaded to Project Veritas’ YouTube, but… wait for it… YouTube/Google took it down. First was the PINTEREST revelations (that video also removed), now this… and I hope more people come forward. An intro to it by BREITBART:

Google-owned video platform YouTube took down a video from Project Veritas showing a senior employee at the company appearing to admit that the company plans to interfere in the next presidential election to stop Donald Trump.

The video, which is still available on the Project Veritas website featured undercover footage of a top Google employee, Jen Gennai, stating that the company shouldn’t be broken up because only they can prevent the “next Trump situation.”

Via the video:

Elizabeth Warren is saying we should break up Google. And like, I love her but she’s very misguided, like that will not make it better it will make it worse, because all these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation, it’s like a small company cannot do that.

The above brought something to my mind… related to Facebook’s attempt at making a cryptocurrency called Libra  (THE SUN | CBS) — and all these algorithms brings to mind a time when “…no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark…” (Rev. 13:17a). They are [whether they know it or not] cutting their teeth on this future evil. (UPDATE) Steve Forbes wrote an OPEN LETTER to Mark Zuckerberg to rename the the Libra, “Mark.”

And, by the way, you might consider changing the Libra’s name. The “Libra” was a measure of weight from the Roman Empire, and we know where that ended up. Don’t be bashful; call it the “Mark.” Germany ditched its mark—which it had been using since it created it after WWII—for the euro 20 years ago, so the name is up for grabs.

A gold-backed Mark would be a transformative move in the history of money. It would blow bitcoin out of the water and would generate an enthusiastic “Like” from billions of businesses and people, now and forever….