Editing of Film Makes Tea Partiers Seem Racist (Glenn Beck Debunks)


Think Progress also admits that they don’t even know if Murdough is a tea partier. But, he did mention “tea party” in the comment’s section of the July article and therefore, according to these radical hacks at Think Progress, that proves that the tea party is racist.

Got that? The tea party is racist because some white supremacist mentioned their name. Using this same logic, Obama is Al-Qaeda because he was mentioned in a Zawahiri tape. Hillary Clinton is part of the Taliban because they mentioned her in a tape.

This is insane and extremely dishonest. But, when you’ve got nothing and the unemployment rate is close to 10%, the record deficit is going over a trillion dollars, the country is broke and the president’s radical policies are unpopular across America, you make up lies to protect your radical associates.

What a disgusting dishonest website.