My Call Into the Larry Elder Show

Gonna be gone for a few days… I will leave you with my call into the Larry Elder Show:

I was just curious about a stat that I always hear… which is that about half of the violent murders in America are done by black men. What is the percentage of this group. Most blacks I know are hard working, law abiding citizens (that is due maybe to my area I live?). At any rate I wonder what the percentage in the black community is that commits these crimes.

I had a question I wanted to bounce off The Sage. While he confirmed it is a small percentage that commit these types of crimes… I would still think maybe it’s even smaller?

In 1985 an article in the Orlando Sentinel notes-black-on-black crime:

  • “Only 10 percent of blacks commit crimes against other blacks. So 90 percent of the black population is being terrorized by a small minority. Criminals should not automatically be defended simply because of their race, because there are some blacks who should be incarcerated.”

What is the stat? Is there a study on this? As of now this is our reality of what many black law enforcement officials call “urban terrorism”

…Heather Mac Donald, author of “The War On Cops,” has done a stunning and thorough amount of research which has yielded, among other things, the fact that blacks make up just 15 percent of the population in the nation’s 75 largest counties (2009), yet comprise 45 percent of all assault defendants, 62 percent of all robbery defendants, and 57 percent of all murder defendants. In New York City alone, where blacks comprise 23 percent of the population, they account for 75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime.

The wonder therefore, isn’t that a group so highly represented in violent crime comprises 26 percent of deaths that occur in altercations with authority, but rather that the rate isn’t higher still. Whites, who account for 33 percent of New York City’s population, commit less than 2 percent of all shootings, 4 percent of robberies and 5 percent of all violent crime while having the highest fatality rate in confrontations with police. Happily, they haven’t resorted to blocking interstate highways and targeting the police and show no interest in doing so….

(The Federalist)

An “Unarmed” Black Man Shot ~ Hillary Enters Stage Left

TO BE CLEAR! The suspect WAS armed, and the police officer was BLACK! But the new norm under the Democrats and Democrat controlled cities is? — Rioting Is the New NormalFACTS BE DAMNED!

Previously I went through the TERENCE CRUTCHER shooting pretty thoroughly. I will not do that here with the Keith Lamont Scott. I wasn’t even going to post on him… but then Hillary inserted herself into the matter before anything was known about the two shootings (much like Obama did with every indecent thus stoking the fires of racial tension).

The above two Tweets are with thanks to YOUNG CONSERVATIVES.

All one need to know about this case is that Scott WAS ARMED, and refused to put the weapon down when commanded. What is the narrative put forward in this case? That Scott was reading and holding a book, not a gun.THE INDEPENDENT JOURNAL REVIEW writes that this is NOT the case:

Police were serving a warrant to a different person and reported that Scott exited his car holding a gun and “posed an immediate deadly threat to the officers.” His family disputed the charge — claiming Scott was “carrying a book.”

Wednesday morning, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Kerr Putney confirmed that Scott did indeed have a gun:

  • “I can tell you we did not find a book that has been referenced to. We did find a weapon. The weapon was there and witnesses have corroborated it, beyond just the officers.”

Putney also said Scott ignored repeated commands from officers:

  • Charlotte police chief says officers gave armed man Keith Lamont Scott ‘loud, clear, verbal commands’ to drop weapon

So here we are, another shooting justified because of the actions of the perpetrator, and politicians trying to scare voters into voting for them. Without regard for truth or bringing the electorate together… even if it is a smidgen.

Cue the riots (BLUE LIVES MATTER): Riots have begun in the area where the shooting occurred. People are getting assaulted and rioters are looting. More information on the rioting HERE.

Synthetic Patriotism = Grumpy Stare


In this hilarious and satirical video, James O’Keefe once again takes on the overly sensitive college policies and professors who are mollycoddling students on campuses across the country. This undercover video highlights the thought processes of two University of Houston faculty members who take political correctness to such an extreme that they help create “emotional first aid kits” distributed by the 99.99% Society as a way to protect students from “microaggressions”. With an original musical track entitled “Emotional First Aid”, which has a catchy hip-hop beat, pop sensibilities and mildly political lyrics, this video features O’Keefe, VICE co-founder Gavin McInnes, Fox News contributor Guy Benson and Lucian “Twinks for Trump” Wintrich.

Poverty, Welfare, and Crime (U.S.-U.K.-Scandinavia)

This is merely two short audio clips from two separate economists and their recent studies for their books. The first audio is Michael Medved asking Edward Conard a question in regards to his book, The Upside of Inequality: How Good Intentions Undermine the Middle Class. (As an aside, Larry Elder used this audio in his Tuesday Sept 20th, 2016 show as part of his opening segment)

This next clip is from Thomas Sowell being interviewed by Larry Elder for the recent release of Dr. Sowell’s book, Wealth, Poverty and Politics: An International Perspective.

Part of my reasoning for uploading these was a caller called into the show and challenged The Sage that the reason for black woes was white supremacism. I included in the Michael Medved YouTube desscription the additional information:

I listened to this Michael Medved hour before I switched over to my Larry Elder podcast.

I am glad I did because of a caller the “Sage” had on brought up that racism was the main cause for black problems in America and challenged Larry Elder on the statistic of children born out of wedlock. The caller brought up Iceland as a comparison noting similar births to single mothers, and less of the maladies that afflict the black community here in the states. The caller then said this was proof of white racism in America (and the lasting effects of slavery and Jim Crow [in other words, the lasting effects of Democrats]).

However, this is an apples vs. oranges comparison. Why? Because most of the children born to a single mother in Iceland still have an intact family or a very involved father, via ICELAND REVIEW:

….But I’d like to point out that no one mentioned single fathers. Does that mean that when a couple separates the father is out of the picture? The child is the mother’s and the dad can move on to greener pastures and, hey, to live up to the age-old myth of manhood, spread his seed?

No, far from it. In most cases, the father is involved, and as involved as the mother. Many ex-couples try to live in the same neighborhood so that the kid can spend a week in each home, without interrupting school and activities.

Parenting in Iceland is generally an equal partnership and, more often than not, a father will do his best to take the paternal leave available to him, if the finances at home allow for it….


An Army Vet Unloads on the Media, Democrats, and Obama

The Blaze notes:

A black U.S. Army veteran is offering a fiery response to President Barack Obama’s statement that it would be a “personal insult” to the president if black people do not vote for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Obama made the comment Saturday at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation gala dinner in Washington, D.C. A day later, A.D. Bell, who describes himself in his Twitter bio as “not a liberal or conservative,” uploaded a YouTube video in which he tore into the president’s words….

Follow A.D. on TWITTER.

President Obama finds me insulting because I will not be voting for Hillary Clinton. I’m personally insulted because they won’t call #ChelseaNYC a terrorist attack but that’s just me.